Esther got a really cute set of keycaps for Pauline's mechanical keyboard.
Did not realise that Jonker Walk actually has a knife gallery called Jaya Mata Malaysia Knife Gallery. We paid a small fee to have a look and it was really not that bad. There were knifes from multiple cultures and eras.
The next morning, we continued the photography. I must say that I kind of miss photography.
Being at Malacca and staying near Jonker Walk means that the nigh market is a must.
The whole family did a trip to Malacca. We left in the dead of the night at 2am and got there about 6am. Esther had a photography assignment so we went out to take photos. Here are my photos:
The New York Times game Digit has a limited number of games a day. So I came up with my version at:
Saw this really old looking sign which is an advertisement by a company named french toast advertising learning french. Quite funny.
Just realised that the lock screen for Windows has a really fat lion. Look at the tummy.