12:30 PM on Sunday 25 February 2018

Pauline got a smokeless grill which worked quite well. So we can now grill just outside our door.

This cat likes our car
10:15 AM on Sunday 25 February 2018

We have seen this cat on our car numerous times. He or she seems to like our car.

Donut on our bed
10:14 AM on Friday 23 February 2018

Donut loves to lie down on our bed. The next one shows you why she is called Donut.

Selfie before the movie
03:55 PM on Saturday 17 February 2018

Took the opportunity to take a selfie before the movie The Monkey King 3.

Leftovers from reunion dinner
09:50 AM on Saturday 17 February 2018

We had steamboat for reunion dinner and had these leftover balls for breakfast the next day.

Donut first visit
11:00 AM on Friday 16 February 2018

Donut at her first CNY visit for the year at my mother's house.

Donut is so big
09:05 AM on Friday 16 February 2018

Used a wide angle lens to take this. Quite an interesting perspective.

Donut with her favorite ball
09:00 AM on Friday 16 February 2018

Flowers for Pauline
11:50 AM on Thursday 15 February 2018

Got Pauline these flowers for Valentines Day.

Donut on her bean bag
03:00 PM on Tuesday 13 February 2018