Never knew that gamers actually research into how you hold your mouse. This article is actually rather useful for everyone since we can probably have more considerations when choosing our next mouse. Guide to Gaming Mouse | Razer Gaming Mouse Advisor | Razer™ | For Gamers. By Gamers.™ .
Pauline is currently taking a course in art and as part of her course work is having an exhibition of their course work. The exhibition was today and here are the photos of the artwork. The images are straight from the camera without post processing.
Just created a new logo for the website. Created using iDraw on the iPad followed by post work using Illustrator. I must say that iDraw is very capable having most of the useful features in Illustrator. Being able to use the touch screen for the illustration is really quite nice as it feels far mo ...
Ultimate fail for Microsoft products. Microsoft burgled, only the APPLE iPADS stolen - cops confirm • The Register .
We were just discussing how drones would change the warfare landscape when these people come in and shoot down the future:-) BBC News - Rheinmetall demos laser that can shoot down drones .
The Epson TX700W is dead with a message about the ink pads being full and needing replacement. So after some googling, apparently there is a counter for this which is based on the number of pages printed. Rather upset with Epson, so they know that the ink pads will get filled up and instead of engin ...
How quick they grow :-)
Kids at the playground on New Year's Day.